Wednesday, March 11, 2009

EDITED version of your WOrds & my IMAges nro 8

This is the last WO*IMA creation here.

I move WO*IMA to my main blog BLOGitse.

Number 9 IMAge will be on my blog on Friday.

You'll have time till Sunday evening 6 pm to give me your WOrds.

Edited version you'll see on Monday 16.3.09

Please continue with me!

Each night at sunset,
I walk the sands
Along the Icarian Sea,
And I think of my lost son
And how he died for me.
words by mythopolis

Monday, March 9, 2009

your WOrds & my IMAges nro 8

give me your WOrds, here's the image:

EDITED version of your WOrds & my IMAges nro 7

your WOrds about this image:
mythopolis said...
I trace it again and again In my mind. I can think of nothing else. I am beginning to see What happened..... But I still can't explain it.
Anonymous said...
Woman and mustache is like man and nail polish. As long as kept tidy is ok but...this is really grouse...
Thank you Mythopolis and Anonymous!
ps. I'm going to move this WO*IMA idea to my main blog,
later this week.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

your WOrds & my IMAges nro 7

give me you WOrds, here's the image:

EDITED version of your WOrds & my IMAges nro 6

your WOrds about this IMAge

mythopolis said...

“I think this is how it started, but my friend thinks it started with the chicken.”

“The belly that had no button.”

“The moment before the crack that is in everything.”

Gecco said...

“If this picture is kept in your family album and claimed to be a you as a child…trust no one!”

“Charlie Brown!”

“People are just like egg's…great difficulties to stand up straight.”

“Hard to tell if this egg is boiled or not…so much easier to read people.”

“It's not the size that matters…It's how you use it making "omelet".”

“Cosmic egg on holiday…naked...”

“Fast-food-lovers beauty contest - swim suite round.” /Gecco

Thank you Mythopolis and Gecco!

Friday, March 6, 2009

your WOrds & my IMAges nro 6

give me your WOrds, here's the IMAge:

(you have time to write until Sunday 12:00 Cairo time, 8.3.09)

EDITED version of your WOrds & my IMAges nro 5

your WOrds about this image:
“How innocent I look…many stories noted... Many souls I took…still some haunted… Human mind……just a trace made by me...”
“A 1795 French invention, patent no.32 How much it changed the world How much still left to do...”
All WOrds by Gecco, thank you!
WOrds by anonymous:
This is a badly treated & unsecured child Surface made hard, shiny and flawless Beneath however soft and kind Deep inside hate, black as never now when it will strike
Thank you!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

your WOrds & my IMAges nro 5

give me your WOrds! here's the IMAge:

EDITED version of your WOrds & my IMAges nro 4

your WOrds about this image, nro 4:

“I always wear my holy shoes on Sunday.”

“I dreamed the sky had feet.”

“Looks like a hospital gown and those shoes that are in fashion. I forget the name....”

"Once I forgot the shot-gun"-shoes.

"Had some bad acne in my youth"-shoes.


“Cold person standing behind a blue curtain.”

“Melted blue inflatable "neck-pillow".”

“A blue&rubbery forklift truck is turning left.”


Thanks to Mythopolis, Scriber and Gecco!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

your WOrds & my IMAges nro 4

give me your WOrds... here's the IMAge:

EDITED version of your WOrds & my IMAges nro 3

so many goog, great words again! Thank you!!! Here are some of them:
“Instrument For Making Canned Music” *****
“Open a bank - I'll help!” *****
“Killer plectra for heavy-guitarist!” *****
“iPod for chef's!” *****
“Life is complicated - I'm not!” *****
“Not a sex toy!” *****
“This was the first Swiss Army Knife...
before they added all the other gadgets.” *****
“Suicide tool for really persistent people!”*****
“Kitchen shark!”
“Kitchen shark-attach!”
Thank you Mythopolis and anonymous!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

your WOrds & my IMAges nro 3

tässä on päivän kuva johon odotan sanojasi...joko vain englanniksi tai englanniksi ja suomeksi...
valitettavasti vain suomeksi kirjoitetut tekstit eivät käy, sori...
mitä kuva tuo mieleen? kuvita sanoiksi ja tuo tänne kommenttina...
today's image...

EDITED version of your WOrds & my IMAges nro 2

i had to take words from two of you - totally different!
anonymous - because you're anonymous i can't add your blog here, sorry!
words by 'anonymous':
@$#&#?~ that we are so slow...
that's why we snails are forced to travel with a mobile toilet attached...

words by Mythopolis:

You may think I am but a lowly sluggish snail.

A thing of little significance. But I am proud to be a snail.

There are more of my kind than there are of yours.

You are out-numbered in general. Our kind have been around a few million years.

You are the reckless ones...You have only been around some tens of thousands...and look what a mess you have made.

Go ahead with your wanton destruction. We will be here long after you are gone. We will clean up after you.

And in the wink of a snail's eye, forget you were ever here.

Monday, March 2, 2009

your WOrds & my IMAges nro 2... here's an image which is waiting for your words...

haloo! missä ovat kaikki rohkeat englannin kielen taitoiset suomalaiset sanan vääntäjät? vaikka idea on saada tekstit kahdella kielellä niiden EI tarvitse olla identtisiä käännöksiä, eikä edes käännöksiä, kunhan molemmissa on sama juju...
laittakaa luovuus peliin ja tulkaa mukaan! tämä ei ole vakavaa, eikä kilpailu... katsotaan yhdessä miten homma etenee!
tuleeko kuvasta muuta sanallista inspiraatiota kuin se perinteinen? :-)
give me your words... a word or two... or more...a poem...
it's up to you!
send me your words as a comment...
give me your words about this image:


EDITED version of your WOrds & my IMAges nro 1

words by Mythopolis
First of all,
I think about writing,
more often than I do.
I know where you live,
but I still can't find you.
And last, but not least,
There are more ways to tell you,
than the words I have to say.

your WOrds & my IMAges nro 1


Sunday, March 1, 2009

let's create together - I'll give you a picture(s) and you give me words! Join me! Luodaan yhdessä - minä annan kuvan/kuvat ja sinä annat sanat! Tule!

Normally here is only YOUR
WOrds * my IMAges.
Shall we start? First post will be here
SUNDAY 1.3.2009 at 12:00 noon Cairo time
then we go!
ps. idea shortly: I post a picture(s) you send your words - as a comment OR - by email I'll edit the post with your words as a whole work... Questions?
Normaalisti täällä on vain SINUN
sanasi * minun kuvani
Aloitetaanko? Ensimmäinen postaus tulee
SUNNUNTAINA 1.3.2009 klo 12.00 Kairon aikaa
sitten mennään!

ps. idea vielä lyhyesti: Minä postitan tänne kuvan/kuvia ja sinä lähetät sen/niiden innoittamat sanasi - kommenttina TAI - sähköpostilla Valinnan jälkeen editoin postauksen sanoillasi höystettynä yhdeksi kokonaisuudeksi... Kysymyksiä?