Tuesday, March 3, 2009

EDITED version of your WOrds & my IMAges nro 2

i had to take words from two of you - totally different!
anonymous - because you're anonymous i can't add your blog here, sorry!
words by 'anonymous':
@$#&#?~ that we are so slow...
that's why we snails are forced to travel with a mobile toilet attached...

words by Mythopolis:

You may think I am but a lowly sluggish snail.

A thing of little significance. But I am proud to be a snail.

There are more of my kind than there are of yours.

You are out-numbered in general. Our kind have been around a few million years.

You are the reckless ones...You have only been around some tens of thousands...and look what a mess you have made.

Go ahead with your wanton destruction. We will be here long after you are gone. We will clean up after you.

And in the wink of a snail's eye, forget you were ever here.


wo*ima said...

anonymous & Mythopolis;
thank you!

Unknown said...

Way cool :)