Monday, March 2, 2009

your WOrds & my IMAges nro 2... here's an image which is waiting for your words...

haloo! missä ovat kaikki rohkeat englannin kielen taitoiset suomalaiset sanan vääntäjät? vaikka idea on saada tekstit kahdella kielellä niiden EI tarvitse olla identtisiä käännöksiä, eikä edes käännöksiä, kunhan molemmissa on sama juju...
laittakaa luovuus peliin ja tulkaa mukaan! tämä ei ole vakavaa, eikä kilpailu... katsotaan yhdessä miten homma etenee!
tuleeko kuvasta muuta sanallista inspiraatiota kuin se perinteinen? :-)
give me your words... a word or two... or more...a poem...
it's up to you!
send me your words as a comment...
give me your words about this image:



wo*ima said...

give me more time
i'm not that old
actually i'm fine

wo*ima said...

WHAT? are you talking to me? wait, i'll show you...

Anonymous said...

Etana etana näytä sarves onko huomenna pouta....kyselee systeri...

Anonymous said...

@$#&#?~ that we are so slow...that's why we snails are forced to travel with a mobile toilet attached...

mythopolis said...

You may think I am but a lowly sluggish snail. A thing of little significance. But I am proud to be a snail. There are more of my kind than there are of yours. You are out-numbered in general. Our kind have been around a few million years. You are the reckless ones...You have only been around some tens of thousands...and look what a mess you have made. Go ahead with your wanton destruction. We will be here long after you are gone. We will clean up after you. And in the wink of a snail's eye, forget you were ever here.

wo*ima said...

uups, almost forgot, sorry, to comment back!

hupsista kun meinasin unohtaa kommentoida takaisin, sori!

anonymous #1; jos olet oikea systerini niin et ole lukenut 'ehtoja' - teksti pitaa olla seka englanniksi ja suomeksi jos haluaa muttei VAIN suomeksi...sori!

anonymous#2; thanks!

Mythopolis; thank you supporting my new experiment! :-)